A green mountain valley with peaks silhouetted in the background.
The DCWC logo, white on a green background. A tree in a circle with a triple spiral at the roots. Text: 'Druidry Centered Women's Circle of the Rocky Mountains'

Native Plants!


Native plants are the song of the landscape. Learning about the pre-European incursion flora helps us to better understand this sacred space, and helps us to connect to the Irish cultural material in our present place and time. Many of the Ogham trees have local cognates!

One of the native birches of Colorado is the river birch.
Fringed sage is fragrant and easy to grow.
Yarrow has been long used in magic and medicine.
Both Colorado and Ireland have native gooseberries.
The currant is in the same family as the gooseberry, but without the spines!
Chokecherries are spread by birds. Their flowers and fruits are in clusters.
Fleabane has documented ceremonial use by the Ramah Navaho. (Vestal, Paul A., 1952)
Fairy Trumpet is a perfect food for hummingbirds.
Wild raspberry provides food for many insects, birds, and mammals!