A green mountain valley with peaks silhouetted in the background.
The DCWC logo, white on a green background. A tree in a circle with a triple spiral at the roots. Text: 'Druidry Centered Women's Circle of the Rocky Mountains'
The cover of the CCWP for 2023 with celtic knotwork in the corners

Colorado Celtic Weekly Planner 2023

Jan 4, 2023

Colorado Celtic Weekly Planner 2023

In 2023 the theme is: Hope! 

I chose to look deeply at native bees in Colorado for this year, and there were so many more than I could put in a dozen calendars! I feel that bees are deeply hopeful not just because so many of them are simply adorable, and not just because they provide pollination for our food, but because they provide so many hidden services in our local ecosystems that we aren’t even aware of! 

If you're new to the calendar you've got a lot to look forward to! It's designed specifically to support Pagan practice here, in Colorado. All of the dates and times are in Mountain Time, adjusted as needed for daylight savings. No more missed full moon gatherings because half of your group has a calendar in Eastern Time and the other half favors a calendar using Pacific Time! 

Also, every single day has sunrise, sunset, solar noon, moonrise, and moonset right on that date! Any date you want to start a ritual, a meditation practice, a night hike, or a shared romantic sunset, you'll have the timings you need. And the Pagan holidays have the notation of the places on the horizons where the sun will rise and set! Start organizing your own stone circle! 

If you are interested in learning the ogham, or deepening your practice with it, every month has information on an ogham fid: a quote from the Book of Ballymote with divination guidance, a meditation, and information on the related tree as you can find it here, in Colorado.  There is additional information in the back for insight on the feda not covered in the 12 month study. The original Ogam has 20, not 12 feda, so your journey will continue into next year! 

If you can't live without your astrology, the weekly planner has you covered, just turn to the back section for complete information, again in Mountain Time! The astrological key is in the information page of the January section. 

Every month of astrology has an extra page - for extra stuff! There's an Irish language pronunciation guide, and a list of the Pagan holidays in the Irish language. Since we believe in practicing right here and now, you'll also find local herb and crystal correspondences very useful in your practice.

You can find the Colorado Celtic Weekly Planner at Spiritways Metaphysical, Goddess Isis Books & Gifts, and Shining Lotus in Denver. 

Thank you for supporting the Colorado Celtic Weekly Planner since 2013! 

Peace of the mountains to you,

Paulie Rainbow

founder: Druidry Centered Women's Circle of the Rocky Mountains